adult programs


Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an excellent activity that develops the physical and mental health for adults of any age. Tai Chi is a series of slow, standing movements that flow one into the other. Practiced by the Chinese for centuries, Tai Chi is thought to help maintain life energy (or “qi”) flowing through our bodies, preventing energy blockages that can cause health problems. No experience or uniforms are necessary; all you need are comfortable clothes.

Studies have documented the benefits of Tai Chi, such as:
• Improved Balance, Strength , and Flexibility
• Stress Relief & Self Confidence
• Positive Cardiovascular Effects

Each session will focus on the Yang Style Short Form, Warm-ups, the Eight Pieces of Brocade, a stretching exercise designed to stretch the internal energy channels and Qi Gong, meaning Energy Work which is a series of exercises to help move energy throughout the body.

Please call us for information on when the next Tai Chi Program begins. Tai Chi classes are held on Mondays mornings 11:45 am – 12:30 pm. Cost is $15.00 per class or 8 classes for $75.00 paid in full (Great Value!)


© 2012, 2013, 2014 True Martial Arts Academy, Waltham, MA